

Remember when Q R Code was edgier than thou?! Oh we remember.


Eight years ago, Richmond Ashford partnered with a group of talented Broadway actors and actresses that were all part of the same cast of “The Book of Mormon” (at the time) to create a fashion charity campaign. Good content stands the test of time. Join us on a trip down memory lane.

This type of imagery and aesthetic created is now seen generally in published magazines. At the time we informally called it African chic meets editorial fashion. African designers, African textiles, African inspired prints and attire are now mainstream—-and heavily pictured in top magazines like Vogue Magazine. High end fashion is trending away from overly polished images that remind consumers of influencer content. Brands and publications have embraced a grittier cinematic style of imagery. At the time, the shoot was very forward thinking and ahead of the mainstream trends. R & A prides itself on being forward thinking. We try to embrace the movement of different facets of culture well before it is part of the general fabric of society as a whole.

Vogue Magazine – 2021 – Pictured Amanda Gorman

Central to what we do, we try to involve high school interns on some level when we can. Below is a photo of our team of interns on set in 2013. Students learned a variety of skills spanning pre and post production as well as wardrobe management as many of the items had come from showrooms and various fashion designers.

A total of eight teen creative interns are pictured on either side of the two women posing center.  


Broadway Serves! & Fashion unite to bring attention to Uganda Project and The Ugandan American Partnership Organization. Join the movement. Visit the websites below to donate. |

Broadway Serves
Services Provided:
Creative Direction, Press Interviews, Press Talking Points, Sourcing of Designers, Shoot Production
B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p